手塚 良則 (Yoshi)
1910年創業 松乃鮨 四代目 / SUSHI Ambassador
日本ソムリエ協会 ソムリエ資格
慶應義塾大学商学部卒業後、海外文化とホスピタリティーを学ぶため、プロスキーガイドとしてヨーロッパ・北米に4年間駐在。 世界100ヶ所以上のスキー場、豪華客船のワールドクルーズ、ヨーロッパのワイナリー巡りといった富裕層向けのガイドをして活動。個人でも旅を楽しみ、50カ国を訪問。スタンフォード大学への留学、スキーガイド業務で培った異文化コミュニケーションを生かし、世界へ鮨文化の発信をすることに力を入れている。
- 2015年7月ミラノ万博JAPANDAYでの和食エキシビションにて鮨を握る。
- 2016年9月トリノのslow food世界大会で握り鮨を披露。
- 2018年3月『キッコーマン和食の魅力』で講演
- 2019年6月英国ロイヤルファミリーのゲストとして鮨を握る
- 2019年6月G20大阪サミット:ファーストレディーの鮨昼食会をプロデュース

キッコーマン株式会社 様
キャリアセット株式会社 様
YPO 日本支部 様
ジャパントラディショナルカルチャーラボ株式会社 様
A once in a life time unique sushi experience

Conveying Japanese culture and hospitality through sushi
Yoshinori Tezuka (Yoshi)
Fourth-Generation Master Sushi Chef
Licensed Fugu (Blowfish) Chef,
Licensed Sommelier
Yoshi Tezuka is a fourth-generation master sushi chef and the owner of Matsunozushi, an Edomae style restaurant located in Tokyo that was founded in 1908. Yoshi began his training at a young age following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. A quick learner, he picked up the basics of sushi preparation right away and became interested in the uniqueness of Edomae style sushi, which is characterized by its use of seasonal ingredients and its focus on the balance of flavors and textures. After years of studying these traditional techniques, he has become one of the most famous Edomae sushi chefs in Japan and around the world.
After graduating with a major in commerce from Keio University, Yoshi went overseas to work as a professional tour and ski guide in countries such as Switzerland, Italy, and Canada. During this time, he was responsible for VIP customers at more than 100 global ski resorts, luxury world cruises, and winery tours. Yoshi enjoys traveling on his own and has visited over 50 countries. Studying abroad at Stanford University and working as a guide helped cultivate his cross-cultural communication skills.
- Expo 2015 (Milano) JAPAN DAY – Sushi making Presentation (2015, July)
- Slow Food World Convention – Showed nigiri style sushi (2016, Sept)
- “Kikkoman Charm of Japanese Food” – Lecture (2018, Mar)
- Made sushi as a guest of the British Royal Family (2019, June)
- G20 Osaka Summit – Created a sushi luncheon for the visiting spouses (2019, June)
- United Nations (New York) Marine Conservation Event – Showcased how Edomae sushi techniques can be used to provide “Sustainable Sushi” (2019, Sept)
Yoshi has become a passionate ambassador for Japanese food and its culture. Wanting to increase awareness of the importance of Japan’s sushi culture, its food and fish to the world, Yoshi frequently conducts hands-on experiences, market tours and visits with fishermen and producers for visiting foreign guests in English. He is consistently participating in a wide range of events and activities that convey the value of sushi in Japan and abroad such as catering parties and giving lectures at universities and companies. As well, Yoshi is always creating unique sushi menus for those with food allergies or restrictions, vegetarians, and various religious requirements ensuring that everyone has a chance to enjoy sushi.

Chatting with King Charles of England at Buckingham Palace.
【Lecture Achievements】
Keio University (Courses for exchange students/general students)
Sophia University (Courses for exchange students)
Kikkoman Corporation
Career Set Co., Ltd.
YPO Japan Chapter
Japan Traditional Culture Lab Co., Ltd.
Many others
【Overseas Catering Achievements】
USA, Switzerland, Italy, France, Singapore, Qatar, UK, Iceland
About Inbound Services
We provide once-in-a-lifetime sushi experiences and exclusive Japanese cultural and culinary experiences, such as sushi-making experiences, market tours, sushi lectures in English, and sushi parties for affluent foreign guests.